This ensemble is a continuation of the Sinfonietta I Orchestra and focuses on further preparing repertoire for performance while developing ensemble skills. Open to strings students (violin, viola, cello, and bass) who work together as a group in a collaborative approach with Faculty member Paula Fishman. Students who did not participate in the Sinfonietta Orchestra last year are welcome to enroll upon approval of the instructor.
For new students to the program, please follow this link to sign up for a placement interview:
Please note: All participants must be enrolled in private lessons for the entire school year.
This class is designed for students proficient in Suzuki Book 2-4 or equivalent, knowledge of 2 octave scales, fluent music reading, comfort with complex rhythms, beginning knowledge of shifting.
For more information, please contact Dr. Patrick LeStrange, Strings Department Chair, at (202) 686-8000 x 1110 or [email protected].